What Is A Viral Hemorrhagic Fever?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there are multiple human as well as animal infections. It occurs due to 4 different families of RNA virus. There is a fever as well as other blood problems and it can progress to high fever, shock as well as death. They can also lead to mild illness in few cases and in other cases one can also notice African Ebola virus. It can lead to death.
What are the signs and symptoms of Viral hemorrhagic fever or disease?
It includes the fever as well as other blood problems and it can progress to high fever, shock as well as death. One also sees flushing on the face as well as chest. There are petechiae as well as frank bleeding. There is edema as well as shock along with the hypo tension. There is malaise, vomiting, head ache as well as myalgia which refer to muscle pain. One can also notice diarrhea. One can also go for bio containment capabilities. The white blood cell number is decreased and there is a decrease in theplatelet number also. There is an increase in the serum enzymes of liver along with the increase in prothrombin time. There is an increase in the hematocrit along with theserum urea as well as creatinine value. It depends on the hydration status as well as bleeding time is increased.
What are the causes of Viral hemorrhagic fever or disease?
It includes the 4 different families of RNA virus. It is also caused by the Lujo virus. It is found in the South Africa.
How Viral hemorrhagic fever or disease can be treated?
It can be treated with the help of an intensive therapy along with the symptomatic treatment. One can use anti viral along with the intra venous ribavirin. It is the investigation new drug approved by the FDA. In few cases interferon is also effective. But the experimental vaccines are not available in the market.
How Viral hemorrhagic fever or disease can be prevented?
It includes the avoidance of any irritating factor. One must have good hand hygiene. He must use gloves, gowns as well as leg and shoe coverings. One must have a face shield along with the goggles. The viruses are quite prone to hospital infections. One must also use an air filter along with a respirator. A positive pressure must also be applied with a person in 6 feet of the patient. All the patients must be moved to a separate building and must be isolated in air handling system. The environment must be decontaminated with the help of disinfectants such as the phenol.
What Is A Viral Hemorrhagic Fever? What Is A Viral Hemorrhagic Fever? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:18 AM Rating: 5

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