What is Abuse?

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What is a child abuse?
It is defined as a disorder in which there is a physical as well as emotional mis treatment of child. It is also defined as a number of acts of omission or commission by parents or a care giver. It may result in harm or chances of harm or threatening to harm a child. They occur in the child home commonly. Other places can be schools,organizations and the places where the child interacts. There are mainly 4 different types of abuse which includes the neglect, physical, emotional as well as sexual abuse.

What is neglect?
It is defined as a disorder in which there is a failure of the responsible adult to provide the need to children. It can be food, cloth or shelter. It also includes the emotional, medical as well as educational needs.

What is physical abuse?
It is defined as a disorder in which there is a physical force done by an adult on a child. It may include striking, choking or shaking etc. The shaking of a child leads to a condition known as the shaken baby syndrome. It can affect the brain by causing its swelling. It may lead to decrease in the level of oxygen along with the other features such as vomiting, lethargy and problems in breathing as well as vision. In few cases this abuse also involves the transfer of toxins to a child by mother.

Most of the countries of world do not give importance to the child abuse laws. The difference between the discipline of child and abuse must be properly marked. There is no clear cut definition and agreement between the definitions of child abuse.

Some say that the physical punishment given to a child is a type of sexual abuse and some do not agree to it. Only two dozen countries of the world agree that the use of force against a child is not correct measure.

What is emotional abuse?
It is defined as a disorder in which there is a difficulty in defining. It includes the torture, criticism, large demands and less communication with routine humiliation.

The victims always keep a distance from the abuse. They also have the ability to fight back the abuser. In this disorder the victim also has a tendency to blame himself for the abuse. He becomes helpless and passive in his behavior.

What is sexual abuse?
It is defined as a disorder in which there is a child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent abuses a child for sexual stimulation. In this the child is pressurized to have sexual activities. His genitals are exposed. He is forced to see porno graphy material. He is also forced to make a sexual contact with the other child. He is also forced to view the genitals of other children.
What is Abuse? What is Abuse? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:24 AM Rating: 5

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