What is a Rash? Write briefly about its causes, diagnoses, treatment, signs and symptoms

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is a reaction of the skin and may occur alone or in combination with the other disorders. It can be mild, moderate or severe. It can occur due to the infection, irritation as well as inflammation. The other reason could be allergy or bite of the insects. It can occur in any individual or at any place. The infection can be mild like in the case of skin contact or a ring worm infection. It can be moderate in case of hives, chicken pox or allergy. It is also seen in the case of scabies. It is also linked to the serious conditions like the brain infection or allergic reactions. It can be of short term or a long term. It can disappear quickly when it is formed due to the waxing as well as shaving in which the hairs of body are removed. It can be episodic also as in the case of person is exposed to the allergen. It occurs in the case of poison ivy. In case of chicken pox it remains for a long time. It can also occur due to the skin infections or stress along with the anxiety. It can also occur due to the parasite as well as fungal infections. There are few diagnostic tests available in the market which must be done before making a conclusion. The most common test is the skin patch.

What are the signs and symptoms of Rash?

It includes that the symptoms depend on the cause of the disease. It can occur alone or in the combination. It mainly includes the runny nose, fever, red eyes as well as sneezing with a cough. In the advance stages there is a scratching. The disease can also lead to few complications.

What are the causes of Rash?

It can occur in any individual or at any place. The infection can be mild like in the case of skin contact or a ring worm infection. It can be moderate in case of hives, chicken pox or allergy. It is also seen in the case of scabies. It is also linked to the serious conditions like the brain infection or allergic reactions. It can be of short term or a long term.

How Rash can be diagnosed?

It includes the use of visual examination and a patient history. One must take a family history also. A physical examination along with the signs as well as symptoms must be observed. There are few diagnostic tests available in the market which must be done before making a conclusion. The most common test is the skin patch. In this few allergens are applied on the skin and they are checked to see if they start an allergic response or not. There is another diagnostic test which is known as radio allergosorbent test which is known as RAST. It also helps to know about the allergic substance. The patient can also take a record of the food items which he or she take in a day and can increase the chances of allergy. The other causes of the disease must also be kept in a mind. But it is quite difficult to diagnose as in some case the rash may be mild or short lived. The diagnosis can also be done with the help of complete blood cell count so that the infection can be known. In the case of infection of brain one can also go for a lumbar puncture.

How Rash can be treated?

It includes that there is no specific treatment for this disorder. One must identify the cause for it and must act against it. Some of the conditions can also be treated easily but a few require an urgent treatment. One must always consult a skin specialist. The discomfort in this disorder must be minimized and the complications must be kept in mind. One must change the life style and a few medicines must be tried. The irritants and allergens must be avoided and must be kept in a record. One must avoid the dryness of skin. The scratch free clothes and perfume free moisturizer can be used. One must avoid alcohol as well as caffeine. No washing or scrubbing of the skin must be done. Ice bags have proved to be quite effective and one can also go for oat meal bath. In severe cases one can go for topical application of the cortico steroids. Although, it decreases the inflammation but it has certain side effects. In severe cases the shots of allergies are required. The parasite as well as fungal infection is treated with the help of fungicides as well as pesticide. In the case of anaphylaxis the patient must be given adrenaline and must be put in a hospital.

How Rash can be prevented?

It includes the avoidance of any irritating factor. One must avoid alcohol, tobacco and cigarette smoking. The irritants and allergens must be avoided and must be kept in a record. One must avoid the dryness of skin. The scratch free clothes and perfume free moisturizer can be used. One must avoid alcohol as well as caffeine.
What is a Rash? Write briefly about its causes, diagnoses, treatment, signs and symptoms What is a Rash? Write briefly about its causes, diagnoses, treatment, signs and symptoms Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 2:05 AM Rating: 5

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