What are the different effects of Child Abuse?

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It includes the long history of neglect along with the physical abuse. They have a chance of developing psychiatric problems. One also observes an improperly organized attachment. Anxiety, stress, physical injury to child and re victim of the child is also observed. It can result in a psychological trauma. It is more complex and relatedto the post traumatic stress. When these children become parents they have a trouble dealing with their children. It affects the social as well as emotional development of child. The psycho social treatment can be effective in altering the ways the parents think about their children.

• The victims also suffer from the different physical health problems later on in their life. They have pain in the muscle and unknown headache which is never ending. The victims think that the cause of their abuse is linked with the medical problems. The victims were linked with the health problems and they are made to believe that the cause of their medical problem is related to other causes.

• The symptoms of depression are linked with the emotional as well as sexual abuse. The effect of verbal abuse as well as domestic violence is less. The two different types of abuse add up and increase the problem. In the intra family cases the sexual abuse had a more adverse effect. This may lead to anxiety along with the depression. The verbal abuse during the child hood time has a more impact on the anger symptoms. It is not as common as emotional abuse. The differences in relation to illness and suffering are linked to multiple factors. They is absence of the affection, one of the parent is not present or is suffering a major illness.

• There are other studies which have shown that the link between exposure to child abuse and other chronic conditions. There were series of studies which were done and show that the exposure to abuse and increase in the rates of adult hood conditions along with the decrease in life spans.

• The children with abuse are more likely to have bone fractures mainly the rib fractures. They also have high chances of developing a cancerous condition.
What are the different effects of Child Abuse? What are the different effects of Child Abuse? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:07 AM Rating: 5

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