What Is A Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is a viral infection caused by the help of domestic as well as wild animals. It can also affect the humans. This virus is quitecommon in Africa and is a member of the RNA virus. It is rare in case of mammals and is severe in the infected humans. Its mortality rate is quite high. The illness is mainlyrelated to the infected animals or people.

What are the signs and symptoms of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever?
It includes the flu like symptoms which may heal after a week. The incubation period is 1 to 3 days. Most of the cases the sign of hemorrhage appear within a week of illness. The other symptoms are agitation, mental confusion, petechiae, nose bleed as well as vomiting with bloody urine. The stools are black in color and the liver is swollen and is painful. One can also notice acute respiratory distress syndrome and kidney failurealong with a shock. The recovery of a patient start within few days and one third of the patient die in the second week only.

How Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever can be diagnosed?
It includes the use of visual examination and a patient history. One must look for the clinical signs as well as laboratory tests. Complement fixation tests can also be done.The laboratory findings tell us about the leucopenia, thrombocytopenia and increase in the liver enzyme levels.

How Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever can be treated?
It is mainly symptomatic and is supportive and one must go for the ribavirin. But it has not been supported by the evidence.

How Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever can be prevented?
One must not crush the body of tick and it must not be removed with bare hands. It must be done with proper care and the nose must be properly removed so that the infection must not occur. One must avoid flame to remove the tick. One must wear light color clothes and must walk in the centre so that the overhanging grass as well as brushes can be taken care off. One must avoid going outside in the warm months. One must wear long pants and socks. One must remove the attached ticks and use insect repellants and must remove the ticks immediately.
What Is A Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever? What Is A Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 1:49 AM Rating: 5

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