What is a Constipation? What are signs symptoms and causes of Constipation?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is a difficulty in the passage of hard as well as dry stools. It is not so frequent. It can occur alone or in combination with the othersigns and symptoms. It can also occur due to the inflammation, trauma, obstruction as well as dehydration. It can also occur due to the some abnormal processes. It is quite common in the elder as well as young children. It can occur in any of the age group. It can also occur due to the hemorrhoids. It is also linked with the hypo thyroidism,cancer of the colon as well as obstruction in the intestine. It can resolve its own and can be short lived. It can occur if the single episode of bowel movement is delayed. It can be of long duration also if the diet we take is not rich in the fiber as well as fluids. It is mainly linked with the problems in stomach. It is also linked with certain disorderssuch as pregnancy or injury to the spinal cord. It can also occur with the other symptoms such as nausea, gas, vomiting, pain in the abdomen or fever which is linked with the blood in stool. It may lead to formation of fissures in the anus, bleeding in rectum as well as blood in the stool. The other disorder which is causing this condition may lead to even death. The diagnosis includes the physical examination. Stethoscope is also quite helpful. One must also examine the abdomen and look for pain as well as distension in the abdomen. There are few abnormal sounds which are linked to the illness.

What are the signs and symptoms of Constipation?
It includes the nausea, gas, vomiting, pain in the abdomen or fever which is linked with the blood in stool.

What are the causes of Constipation?
• Inflammation,
• Trauma
• Dehydration.
• It can also occur due to the some abnormal processes. It is quite common in the elder as well as young children.
• It can also occur due to the hemorrhoids.
• It is also linked with the hypo thyroidism,
• Cancer of the colon
• Obstruction in the intestine.
• It can resolve its own.
• It can also occur if the diet we take is not rich in the fiber as well as fluids. It is mainly linked with the problems in stomach.
• It is also linked with certain disorders such as pregnancy or injury to the spinal cord.

How Constipation can be diagnosed?
It includes the use of visual examination and a patient history. It also includes thefamily history along with a signs and symptoms. One can also go for physical examination. Stethoscope is also quite helpful. One must also examine the abdomen and look for pain as well as distension in the abdomen. There are few abnormal sounds which are linked to the illness. One can also go for digital examination of the rectum. One must also test the fecal occult blood. In the case of digital examination of the rectum a finger is put in the rectum so that the abnormalities can be detected. Thesample of stool is looked for the unseen and hidden blood present in the stool. The rectum can also be looked with the help of anoscope. It is put into the rectum to look for the other causes of constipation. One must first look for the cause of this disorder and must act accordingly. There are few imaging tests which include the x ray scan, CT scan, MRI as well as the imaging technology. One can also go for endo as well as sigmoido scopy. In this camera is put inside the anus with the help of tube. Biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis. The upper areas of gastro intestinal tract are looked for the mouth as well as esophagus in an endoscopy method. One can also go for the complete blood cell count known as CBC. The other diagnostic method can be the loss of blood known as blood stool. The number of red blood cells is also known and if there is an infection one can see a change in their number.

How Constipation can be treated?
It includes that there is no specific treatment for this disorder. One must identify the cause for it and must act against it. One can go for few laxatives and other fluid and fibre rich diet. Intensive treatment is also required in few cases such as fissure present in the anus. The type of treatment depends on the cause as well as age of the patient. The treatment must be based on the cause as well as reduces the discomfort. It soft’s the stool so that they can be passed easily. One must do exercise and must rely on more of the water intake. One must take a lot of fruits as well as vegetables. One must empty the bowl as soon as it is filled. There are few medicines which have found to be effective in treating this condition. There are few side effects linked with the medicines like pain in the abdomen along with the diarrhea. One must consult a physician before starting it. The life threatening conditions can be treated with the help of surgery, hospitalization and the use of intra venous fluids and medicines. In few cases one can also go for radiation as well as chemo therapy.

A condition known as diverticulus is treated with the help of antibiotics along with a liquid diet. It also requires the help of surgery, hospitalization and the use of intra venous fluids and medicines. The air as well as contents of the stomach must be removed. It is done with the help of a tube which is passed through the nose into the stomach.

How Constipation can be prevented?
It includes the avoidance of any irritating factor. One must avoid alcohol, tobacco and cigarette smoking. One must identify the cause for it and must act against it. One can go for few laxatives and other fluid and fibre rich diet. Intensive treatment is also required in few cases.
What is a Constipation? What are signs symptoms and causes of Constipation? What is a Constipation? What are signs symptoms and causes of Constipation? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 2:20 AM Rating: 5

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