What is a Breast Cancer? What are signs symptoms diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is a start of the cancer from the breast. It mainly starts from the milk ducts or the lobules. The cancers which start from the duct is known as ductal carcinoma and the cancer which starts from the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma. There are different types of cancer with different stages of it. They are aggressive and have a different genetic makeup. There are few models which can tell us about the survival. If the disease is going to be for 10 years the survival rate must be 10 to nearly 100 percent. The treatment is mainly done by the surgery, radiations and chemo therapy. One can also go for few drugs such as the chemo therapy and hormones. One tenth of the new cases of cancer are caused by this disorder. It is the second most common type of cancer and is not related to the skin. It is the most common cancer after the lung cancer. This disorder leads to many deaths worldwide. It is very much common in the women as compared to men. But the males have a very poor prognosis as they are diagnosed very late.

This condition can be treated with the help of estrogen along with the progesterone. The drugs are given after the surgery and the most commonly used drug is tamoxifen. But the chances of injury to ovaries are many folds. The low risk hormone sensitive cancers of breast can be treated by the hormones as well as radiations. The cancers which do not have receptors of hormone can spread to the lymph nodes mainly in the armpits. There are few genetic characters which pose a higher risk. They must be treated properly. In the USA higher drugs are used. One can also use the radiations to treat the cancer cells which were not detected by the surgery. The exposure to heart as well as other organs may cause the damage.

What are the signs and symptoms of Breast cancer?
It includes the swelling which is formed on the breast. It is hard, nodular and non painful. It can be differentiated from the other lesions. Most of the cases are known when the woman feels about the swelling. When it is noticed it has grown for many years and it can be detected early in the mammogram. These swellings can also occur in the arm pits which tell us about the breast cancer.

The changes in the breast can lead to changes in the size as well as shape of breast. It includes the discharge from the nipple along with the inversion of nipple. One can also notice pain which is also known as mastodynia which can occur at the time of cancer of breast but it is not reliable. But it is related to the health of breast tissues. The cancer cells of breast can go inside the skin lymph nodes and it is presented as an inflammation of the skin which is known as an inflammatory breast cancer which is referred as the IBC. It leads to pain, swelling and warmness. It gives an orange color to the skin and is referred as the peau d orange. The other common problem linked with the breast is pagets disease. There is eczema on skin which shows redness as well as dryness. When this condition progresses it leads to itching, pain as well as burning. It may also lead to sensitivity. There is also a discharge from the nipple. Most of the women with this disorder have a swelling in the breast. The cancer can also spread to the other parts of the body. It is known as metastatic breast cancer. It all depends on the location. It can spread to liver, lung, brain as well as bone. There is a definite loss of weight along with the fever as well as chills. One can also notice pain in the joint as well as bones. It can even lead to the liver as well as nerve disorders. But they are not so specific. Most of the symptoms do not present the breast cancer and the benign breast diseases like mastitis and fibro adenoma of the breast can lead to this disorder. If there is a new symptom it must be taken seriously and one must keep in mind the risk factors related to cancer.

How Breast cancer can be diagnosed?
It includes the use of visual examination and a patient history. Most of the cases are known when the woman feels about the swelling. When it is noticed it has grown for many years and it can be detected early in the mammogram. A testing can also be done to know whether the lump is a cancer or not. There must be few tests which are needed to done in order to confirm the diagnosis and includes the examination of breast, mammography as well as fine needle aspiration cytology which is known as FNAC. The chances of breast cancer are known with the help of mammography and physical examination. The fine needle aspiration cytology which is known as FNAC isquite helpful in the cases of extracting a fluid from the lump. If the fluid is not clear the chances of having cancer are quite high and if the fluid is clear the chances of having cancer are quite low. They must be seen under the microscope so to have a good level of accuracy. There is other type of biopsy which is known as the core biopsy in which a part of the tissue is removed and is examined and there is an excision biopsy in which all of the tissue is removed. One can also go for vacuum assisted breast biopsy which helps to know about the breast cancer in which the patients with this disorder are detected.

How Breast cancer can be treated?
It includes that there is no specific treatment for this disorder. One must identify the cause for it and must act against it. The treatment mainly includes the surgery, radiations and chemo therapy. One can also go for few drugs such as the chemo therapy and hormones. One tenth of the new cases of cancer are caused by this disorder. It is the second most common type of cancer and is not related to the skin. The drugs are given after the surgery and the most commonly used drug is tamoxifen. But the chances of injury to ovaries are many folds. The low risk hormone sensitive cancers of breast can be treated by the hormones as well as radiations. Moreover, there are different stages of treatment which includes the stage 1, 2 and 3. The chances of survival are highest in the case of stage 1. They are treated with the removal of swelling with or without the use of radiation. The cancers which are aggressive can be treated with the help of herceptin.

The chances of survival are poor in the case of stage 2 and 3. They are treated with the removal of swelling with or without the use of radiation. One can also use the chemo therapy. The chances of survival are worst in the case of stage 4. They are treated with the removal of swelling with or without the use of radiation. One can also use the chemo therapy. The survival time is increased by half a year.

There are few medicines which can be used to treat this condition and are known asadjuvant therapy. There are mainly few groups of medicines which can be used to treat this condition. It includes the blocking of hormones as well as chemo therapy. There are mono clonal anti bodies which can be used.

There are few breast cancers which can be treated with the help of estrogen. It can be known with the help of estrogen receptors and receptors of progesterone. These are present on the surface and the drugs block those surfaces. It includes the tamoxifen.

Chemo therapy is given at the stage 2 to 4. It is given in combinations. The most common drug used is cyclo phosphamide along with the adriamycin. They can affect the DNA and can cause injury to the heart tissues.

The use of mono clonal antibodies in the treatment of cancers is controversial. They act on the receptors of cancer cells. The growth factor stimulates the receptor which allows the cell to divide. In few of breast cancer cases there is a division of cells which does not stop. It leads to aggressive form of the cancer. The 5 year survival rate isquite high in case if mono clonal antibodies are given. Herceptin is one such example. Aspirin has decreased the death rate of cancer related to breast.

The use of radiation has also been very helpful. It is done after the surgery which destroys the small organisms that do not get treated with the help of surgery. The use of radiations can be done with the help of external as well as internal radio therapy. The risk of recurrence can be decreased by the use of radiographs.

How Breast cancer can be prevented?
It includes the avoidance of any irritating factor. One must avoid alcohol, tobacco and cigarette smoking.
What is a Breast Cancer? What are signs symptoms diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer? What is a Breast Cancer? What are signs symptoms diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:04 AM Rating: 5

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