What Is A Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is an occurrence of the fever. There are blood spots present also. It is an infection caused by the animal. It is also known as black typhus. Some authors also say it an ordog fever. It is found in the Bolivia. It was first identified by the K Johnson. It is caused by the single stranded RNA virus. It leads to around 20 percent of the mortality rate. It is highly pathogenic so it requires a high bio safety level. It is the highest level.
What are the signs and symptoms of Bolivian hemorrhagic fever?
It includes the slow onset such as the fever, head ache as well as malaise. There are pains in the muscle too. There are red spots present on the upper part of body and there is a bleeding from the nose and is referred as the epistaxis. There can be bleeding from the gums and it progresses to the bleeding state. It occurs within a week from the onset. The infected animals do not show any symptoms. The viruses are given off in the excretions. From this the humans are infected.
How Bolivian hemorrhagic fever can be treated?
The treatment is only supportive and must be started as early as possible.
How Bolivian hemorrhagic fever can be prevented?
There are measures done so that the contact between mouse and humans is decreased. There is a vaccine against the viruses which have been developed. There are chances of cross reactivity with the virus and is an effective preventive treatment. The treatment is only supportive and must be started as early as possible.
What Is A Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever? What Is A Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:33 AM Rating: 5

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