What Is A Localized Acquired Hypertrichosis?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is an increase in the hair growth which is above the normal. It is also known as the were wolf syndrome. It occurs all over the body. It can be congenital or even present at the birth. The growth of hairs occurs everywhere except the hair on face, pubic area or axillary regions. One of the people who had this disorder is known is J Pastrana. It happened in the 19th as well as 20th century. He was freak and has unique animal as well as human trait.
What are the signs and symptoms of Localized acquired hypertrichosis or disease?
It includes the excess of hair. The hairs are longer and there is hair growth of different types. It may be terminal or vellus. The hair growth can be patterned. The generalized form involves the growth all over the body. The circumscribed and localized growth of hair occurs in a particular area.
What is the classification of Localized acquired hypertrichosis or disease?
It includes the two methods of classification. It can be generalized, localized or acquired and congenital. The growth of hairs occurs everywhere except the hair on face, pubic area or axillary regions.
In the congenital form there were genetic mutations. This condition is quite rare. It is present at birth. It includes the hypertrichosis lanugisona, generalized hypertrichosis as well as terminal hypertrichosis.
The hypertrichosis lanugisona includes the congenital and is seen at the birth. The infant is covered by the lanugo hair. These hairs are shed before the birth and there is a formation of vellus hair. The person with this disorder has a lanugo hair throughout life. It does not involve the palms or soles as well as mucus membrane. With age the lanugo hair gets thin and has few areas of hypertrichosis.
The generalized hypertrichosis includes the male which has a face as well as upper body hair. The women have not so severe asymmetrical distribution of hair. It does not involve the palms or soles as well as mucus membrane.
The terminal hypertrichosis includes the full pigmentation which covers the full body. There is a gingival hyperplasia and it leads to were wolf syndrome. It has thick dark hair and the people with this disorder work at circus as they do not look normal.
The circumscribed hypertrichosis includes the thick hair present on the upperextremities. They are of vellus type. It occurs at few body parts like the extra sensory part of upper extremities. It has a hairy elbow syndrome in which there is a increase in the growth of hair near the elbow. It is present at birth and increases with the age and at puberty it decreases.
The localised hypertrichosis includes the local areas with hair as well as density.
The nevoid hypertrichosis includes the presence at birth and it appears later in the life. It has few areas of increase in the hair and is not related to other diseases.
In the acquired form there were no genetic mutations and occur after the birth. This condition is not rare. It is not present at birth. It includes the hypertrichosis lanugisona, generalized hypertrichosis as well as patterned hypertrichosis. It has localized hypertrichosis and hirsutism. It is in link with the drug side effects and is in relation with the eating disorders. It can be decreased with the different treatment.
The hypertrichosis lanugisona includes the infant which is covered by the lanugo hair on the face. These hairs are shed before the birth and there is a formation of vellus hair. The person with this disorder has a lanugo hair throughout life. It does not involve the palms or soles as well as mucus membrane but it involves the armpits and there is a malignant growth. With age the lanugo hair gets thin and has few areas of hypertrichosis.
The generalized hypertrichosis includes the upper lip, cheeks as well as chin. It also involves forearm and legs. The same follicle has many hairs and there is a pattern of not so normal hair growth which is known as the trichiasis. It resembles eye lashes. The use of minoxidil leads to this condition in case of hypertension. After we do not use minoxidil the hair disappear.
The localised hypertrichosis includes the local areas with hair as well as density.
The patterned hypertrichosis includes the growth of hair like a pattern. It is a condition of malignancy and resembles an acquired generalized hypertrichosis.
Hirsutism is defined as a disorder in which there is a formation of excessive hair in the females. It occurs in the genital areas as well as on the face. It occurs where the hair are not present. It is quite equivalent to the male pattern of body hair as in the case of adrongenic hair. It is mainly of psychological as well as of cosmetic concern. It is not a disease but a symptom and it is a serious condition after it occurs at puberty.
It includes the women as well as men. The increase in androgen leads to male patternof body hair. In females it is seen at abdomen, chest, back as well as face. Theexcessive hair growth involving both the sexes is known as hypertrichosis. One can evaluate the hirsutism by ferriman gallwey score. It is based on the amount as well as location of hair present on a woman.
It includes the increase in level of male hormones such as the androgens. It can also occur due to the increase in sensitivity of hair follicles to the male hormones. There are male hormones such as testosterone which increase the growth of hair, size as well as other features. It can also lead to pigmentation. It can also lead to acne, deepening of voice as well as increase in the mass of muscle.
The other reason could be the high levels of insulin. The overweight women are at high risk of this disease. The low insulin levels can also decrease the chances of hirsutism. The insulin has the ability to increase the ovarian theca cells so that the androgens can be produced. Insulin also has the ability to increase the insulin like growth factor receptor which increases the androgen production. The other conditions which can increase the male sex hormone are ovary syndrome, cushings disease, tumors present in the ovary as well as obesity. The other reason can be the use of drug like tetra hydrogestrinone. The other condition can be the congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
What are the causes of Localized acquired hypertrichosis or disease?
It includes the areas of skin that changes from the small vellus to large type terminal. It occurs during the adolescence when the small hair follicles in the fore arm. It also involves the groin as well as under arms. The switching is normal and there is a area which has no terminal hair. The mode of action is not known.
The other mode of action can be the change in the cycle of hair. It has 3 different stages which include the hair growth, hair follicle death as well as the hair shedding. These are the anagen, catagen and telogen phase. In the hair growth the anagen phase increases at a high speed.
How Localized acquired hypertrichosis or disease can be diagnosed?
It includes the use of clinical examination. It is in the excess of age or sex or ethnicity. It is not affected by the androgen. The increase can be in the form of density or length. It has different types of hair.
How Localized acquired hypertrichosis or disease can be treated?
It can be treated with the help of knowing the cause. The congenital form has no cure. The acquired form occurs with the use of side effects of few medicines. The hair must be removed and it can be temporary or permanent. The treatment may lead to scarring or increase in the sensitivity. It can lead to dermatitis.
The temporary removal of hair lasts for many weeks or hours. It is a pure cosmetic procedure and there are few methods which are used to remove the hair up to the skin. The results last for few hours to few days. It includes the shaving, trimming as well as depilatories. The full hair from root is the epilation method. It includes the waxing, sugaring as well as electrology.
The hair can be removed permanently and uses energy or chemicals and one can use few combinations also. The tissue surrounding the hair must be spared and the most effective method is the laser hair removal. It is a long term effect. The other method is known as electrolysis.
There are few medicines which decrease the production of hair. But they have not been proven yet and one can decrease the level of testosterone and this is done by increasing the hormone binding globulin. The over production of hair can be controlled by the use of luteinizing hormone.
What Is A Localized Acquired Hypertrichosis? What Is A Localized Acquired Hypertrichosis? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 3:39 AM Rating: 5

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