What Is A Break Bone Fever?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is an acute condition which occurs in the areas where there is a tropical climate. It leads to fever and there is a condition which can lead to death. It is caused by the different varieties of viruses. It is also referred as break bone fever. It occurs in multiple countries. This disease is quite common in the urban areas as compared to the rural areas. It is transmitted by a mosquito known as Aedes. They eat during the day time only. There is no cross protection from this disorder.

Two fifth of the world population are at risk of suffering from this disease. Every year there are more than half a million cases in the world.

What are the signs and symptoms of Break bone fever?

It includes the pain in muscle as well as joints along with a severe head ache. These features are sudden in onset. One can also see fever along with a rash. The rash is bright red in color and is present on the limbs as well as chest. It may be present all over the body in few cases. The other features could be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a pain in the abdomen.

There are few mild cases in which the symptoms are not marked. It can be mistaken with the influenza. The people who travel in the tropical areas can transfer the disease from one individual to other. The patients can pass the infection to others with the help of mosquitoes or blood products. This disease lasts for one week. The number of platelets decreases and the temperature is normal.

What are the causes of Break bone fever?
It includes the different varieties of viruses. The most common is dengue virus referred as the DENV. It has RNA as the genetic material and has genome of few thousand bases.

How Break bone fever can be treated?
It includes the use of supportive therapy so that the shock can be controlled due to the bleeding and hemo concentration. One must monitor the signs and symptoms for a week. To prevent the dehydration one must increase the fluid intake. One can also go for intra venous fluids and can prevent the dehydration. One can also give the platelets if their level is less than 20,000.

One must avoid aspirin as well as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs as they have the ability to make the conditions worse as they can lead to increase in the bleeding. One can also take paracetamol if these symptoms are present.

How Break bone fever can be diagnosed?
It is mainly done with the help of signs and symptoms. It includes the pain in muscle as well as joints along with a severe head ache. These features are sudden in onset. One can also see fever along with a rash. The rash is bright red in color and is present on the limbs as well as chest. This disease lasts for one week. The number of platelets decreases and the temperature is normal. One must look for a tendency to bleed from other sites. One can also look for a leakage in the plasma.

There is a syndrome known as dengue shock syndrome which shows a cold clammy skin, with a low pulse pressure and a weak rapid pulse. In the rural areas the diagnosiscan be immediately done with the help of rapid diagnostic kits. The diagnosis can also be established by polymerase chain reaction and serology.

How Break bone fever can be treated?
There is no vaccine against this disorder till date. There are many researches going on to know about the vaccine. In the year 2003, there were many initiatives done to know about the vaccines.

One can go for mosquito control which involves the control of larva and adult mosquito. This is the main method to prevent the spread of this disorder. In the urban areas the mosquitoes which lead to dengue feed on water collections in the plastic containers as well as pots. These containers must be drained after some time regularly. It decreases the breeding site for mosquitoes. The other treatment is to kill the larvae known as larvicide. Insecticides are also helpful as they lead to fogging. There are insect growth regulators which can check the growth of insects. One can also prevent the bite of mosquito and this can be done with the help of insect repellents. The mosquito traps ornets are also helpful.

There was a method in which the children were told to place the water bugs inside the water so that they can act against the mosquitoes which cause this disorder. They are known as mesocyclops. It is cheap method and preserves the environment. It is not as effective as it requires the continue help of community. This method has been quitesuccessful in the rural areas but in the urban areas its role has not been proven. The meso cyclops is able to survive in the small containers that are used in the urban areas but they are quite successful in cases where there are large water containers as used in the urban areas. They act a host for the guinea worm.

Other method to control the mosquito growth is with the help of bacteria known as Wolbachia which has the ability to reduce the life span of mosquito which causes this disorder.

The mosquito mapping involves the location as well as counting of number of mosquito which leads to an idea about their population. It is done in the urban areas.

The dengue virus includes the hepatitis C and yellow fever virus.

The sterile insect technique involves the use of biological control but it has not been met with much success due to weakness of male mosquitoes.
What Is A Break Bone Fever? What Is A Break Bone Fever? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 1:45 AM Rating: 5

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