What is Liver Cancer ?

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It is defined as a disorder in which there is a cancer in the liver and it does not originates from other organs. It can move to liver and is referred as the liver metastasis. One should have good knowledge about the functions of liver and also about the liver cancer.

It is one of the largest organs of our body. It is present beneath the right lung and under the rib cage. It consists of two lobes mainly left and right. The portal vein of the liver gives proteins which has a nutrient rich blood from intestine to the liver. The blood is supplied to the liver by a hepatic artery. It is rich in oxygen and there are many tumors which can develop from the liver as it is made up of many cells. The canceroustumors are known as malignant and the non cancerous tumors are known as benign. The liver cancer has many malignant hepatic tumors. These are known with the help ofmedical imaging and may occur by chance to perform for different diseases than thecancer. One sees an abdominal mass, pain, jaundice, nausea and other liverdysfunctions.

What causes liver cancer ?
It includes the I carnitine deficiency a risk factor for this disorder as stated in the study done in year 2009. Its supplementation can reduce the risk. The member of international cancer genome consortium is Japan and it is putting a lot of efforts tomap liver cancers complete genome.

How to cure liver cancer ?
It includes the PET CT scan to be done if doctors consider surgery as a treatment. It tells about the part of body which is being scanned. The correct treatment of this condition is necessary. All the patients with cancers in the liver are curable. There are number of other treatments which include the surgery, chemo therapy, photo dynamic therapy, hyper thermia, radiation therapy and radio surgery.

What are symptoms of liver cancer ?

Abdominal Mass




Other Liver Dysfunctions.

How is liver cancer diagnosed ?

It includes the the help of medical imaging and may occur by chance to perform for different diseases than the cancer. One sees an abdominal mass, pain, jaundice, nausea and other liver dysfunctions.
What is Liver Cancer ? What is Liver Cancer ? Reviewed by Fitness & Health on 2:20 AM Rating: 5

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